Steel exports increased 14.2 percent in January compared to December according to government data.' 'Exports jumped in January, as shipments increased strongly to both NAFTA and our other trading partners in the Western Hemisphere.' These data show strong demand growth in both developing and developed economies in our hemisphere and, we hope, bode well for exports going forward,' said David Phelps, president, AIIS.

'In January 2011 compared to January 2010, exports increased to every world market ' NAFTA and other Western Hemisphere, Asia, EU and Africa.' While one month does not make a trend, this is a good start to the year for US trading companies, domestic mills and our partners moving steel to and in international markets,' concluded Phelps.'

Total Steel exports in January 2011 were 1.059 million tons compared to 978 thousand tons in December 2010, a 14.2% increase, and an 11.3% increased compared to January 2010.

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