Richard J. Bolte, Jr., President and CEO of BDP International (far right), is joined by Abel Garamhedgyi, Deputy Minister of Economy and Transport, Republic of Hungary (center), and Peter Huels, Managing Director, BDP Global Network, to discuss plans for the opening of a regional logistics operations hub in Eastern Europe next year.

They met at BDP's 2006 Global Network Forum in Budapest, which convened more than 170 of the company's logistic executives from 60 countries.

"In selecting the location for this year's forum, we focused on geographic regions and markets that are on the cusp of explosive growth," explained Mr. Bolte. "After reviewing our customers' global activities and international trade trends, we decided upon Eastern Europe both for our forum and for our next regional operations centre."

In prepared remarks at the opening of the conference, Mr. Garamhedgyi spoke of the pressing need for entrepreneurial business leaders to drive the pace of change that will speed Central and Eastern Europe's evolution as a globally competitive resource for manufacturing. He went on to say that as forward-thinking governments deliver policies which expedite business start-ups and are socially responsible, speed of development and quality of life usually follow.