project44 is offering our LTL Transit Time and Visibility, along with real-time Truckload Visibility products, free of charge for the next 30 days so that shippers can turn tracking and geo-location data into actionable visibility insights, and use those insights to make informed decisions about their inventory. Real-time visibility can help optimize transportation routes during natural disasters. Accurate, up-to-date transit times allow shippers to better forecast inventory availability and deliver contingency plans for delayed shipments. When something like this happens, it’s up to all of us to momentarily forego business concerns so that we can all focus on helping those among us who need it most. More companies using real-time automation and visibility tools during times of emergency means that more people will get the help and products they need when they need them, and that the transportation system will experience fewer negative economic and operational after effects. Read more in Tommy Barnes’s LinkedIn Article: