b'18American Journal of Transportation ajot.comBiden confronts supply-chain crisisHapag Lloyd reroutes stretching past his grip European container service to JAXPORTPresidentJoeBidenwantsonwharfshaveratchetedupscant and amount to serving as a to break a logjam at U.S. portsconcernthatAmericanshop- deal broker. HapagLloydhastempo- ofourlabor,terminalopera-and stave off a holiday seasonpers may be greeted by emptyBidenannouncedthattherarilyreroutedaEuropean-UStors, facilities, and transportation of shortages and delaysbottle- shelves when the holiday seasonPort of Los Angeles would begincontainerservicethroughthenetworktheresnoquestion necksthatofficialsandstake- kicks off next month. operating 24 hours a day and 7JacksonvillePortAuthorityJacksonvilleisanextremely holderssayextendfarbeyondThats led the Biden admin- days a week, and that retailers(JAXPORT). The change is partattractive option for ocean carri-the reach of the White House. istrationtoaccelerateefforts,had pledged to step up efforts toof an effort to optimize our ser- ers and shippers looking to take Flotillas of cargo ships anchoredandhighlightpreviousones,tomove goods. viceportfolio,stabilizesched- advantage of the ease of doing offmajorportsandstacksofsmooth the flow of goods throughYet precedent suggests thatules and adapt to market needs,business Jacksonville offers.shippingcontainerspilinguptheeconomy.Hisoptionsareextending port hours wont solveaccording to Hapag Lloyd. Jacksonville has no container the problem alone, as delays areHapag Lloyds Atlantic Loopvessels waiting at anchorage and also tied to backlogged demand3 (AL3) rotation will begin call- offersshipperstwo-wayriver fromthepandemic,adimin- ingJAXPORTsTraPacCon- traffictotransittoandfrom Biden, port leaders, ILWUishedworkforceandsnagsattainer Terminal with the arrivalberths.eachstepofashippingroute,ofthecontainershipHudsonMajor infrastructure invest-meet on extended gate hours notjustports.BidenhimselfExpressinmid-November.Thementsareunderwaytoprepare made as much a call to arms as aservicecallwilllastforatleastJAXPORT for continued growth, Port of Long Beach Execu- Wheneverwearefacedcelebration of a fix. eight weeks and bring an estimatedincluding more than $200 million tiveDirectorMarioCordero,with a crisis here, its our philos- This is a big first step and1,000additionalTEUs(contain- inberthandterminalenhance-theInternationalLongshoreandophy to channel it into somethingits feeding at the movement ofers) a week through JAXPORT. ments at the ports Blount Island Warehouse Union, and large com- positive, Cordero said. Beforematerials and goods through ourTheportrotationwillbeMarineTerminal.Thefederal panies met with President Biden tothis unprecedented cargo surgesupply chain. But now we needAntwerp,Belgium;Hamburg,projecttodeepentheJackson-secure commitments to better uti- began, we believed 24/7 opera- the rest of the private sector chainGermany;London;Charleston;ville shipping channel to 47 feet lize extended gate hours to movetions were the future. After all,to step up as well, Biden said atJacksonville; and Norfolk. through Blount Island is antici-historic volumes of cargo ahead ofconsumerscanshoponlineatthe White House. And if the pri- During this time of unprec- pated to be completed in 2022.the holiday season. any time, whether its at 4 p.m.vate sector doesnt step up, wereedentedportdisruption,Jack- TheAL3servicecomple-SecretaryofTransportationor4a.m.,and24/7isalreadygoing to call them out. sonvillesefficienciesonbothmentsHapagLloydsexisting PeteButtigieg,otherWhitethe standard at our partner portsThePortofLosAngelesthe landside and waterside con- services from JAXPORT to des-House officials, national supplyin Asia. The supply chain trulyannouncementcameafterdis- tinue to make us stand out in thetinationsin AsiathroughTHE chain leaders, leading retailersneverstopsnow,andwerecussionswiththeadministra- industry, said JAXPORT CEOAlliance, as well as the ABUS andlaborandtruckingrepre- thankful to the Biden adminis- tion and labor unions, a step theEric Green. With our strategicTANGOSouthAmericanser-sentatives held a virtual round- tration for using its influence toWhiteHousecalledoverdue.locationandtheefficienciesvice with Hamburg Sd.tabletodiscusshowtheycanensure cargo is always moving. Six companies, including FedEx bestworktogetherduringtheOurportsattheharborsCorp and United Parcel Service next 90 days. of Long Beach and Los Ange- Inc., also committed to expand-ThePortofLongBeachles are responsible for 40% ofing their delivery schedules.expanded operations at one of itsthenationscargo.TheirhardTheprospectofbarestore terminals to overnight shifts inwork over these last 19 monthsshelves during the holiday season September, and held a regionalhave kept our economy runningisapoliticalnightmareforthe supplychainsummitattendedthroughoutthispandemic.Butpresident, whos already fending by White House Ports represen- now we must take bolder actionsoff accusations from Republicans tativeJohnPorcarialongwithto make sure we keep cargo andthat his policies have contributed representatives from Gov. Gavinoureconomymoving,saidto a surge in inflation.Newsoms office to take steps toMayorRobertGarcia.TheButthesupplychaintrou-speed cargo handling. Biden administration is commit- blesareinpartaconsequence As part of the coordinationted to moving cargo faster andof the robust U.S. recovery from facilitated by the Biden admin- fixing our supply change chal- thepandemic.U.S.imports,A Hapag Lloyd vessel docked at JAXPORTs TraPac Container Terminalistration today, the ILWU agreedlenges. We are very grateful formeasured by shipping container to work extra shifts, clearing thetheir work and leadership. volume, are running at a record wayforprivatebusinessestoIncreasing communicationlevelsofarin2021,accordingCMA CGM to temporarily replace adjust their operations to moveandfacilitatingmorecoopera- to data collected by Panjiva, theSavannah by Charleston on its cargo 24/7 to clear the backlog.tion in the nations supply chainsupplychainresearchunitof Corderofirstintroducedtheis exactly what we need at thisS&P Global Market Intelligence. AMERIGO service connecting ideaof24/7operationsbeforemoment,saidLongBeachWevereallybeenseeing the pandemic, during the StateHarborCommissionPresidentapeakseasonallyear.WhatWest Med to the US East Coastof the Port in January 2019, inSteven Neal. We thank Presi- we are kind of talking about is a visionary approach to loomingdentBidenfordoingallthatlogisticsnetworksoperatingatCMA CGM has announcedwill be directed to Charleston.supply chain hiccups. he can to get cargo moving andmaximumcapacity,saidEricthat its AMERIGO service (con- Thefirstsailingimpacted Long Beach officials applaudedensure store shelves are stockedOak, a researcher who authorednectingWestMedtotheUSwill be m/v CMA CGM LA TRA-the White Houses involvement. for the holidays. the S&P report. EastCoast)willtemporarilyVIATA voy. 0MR9TW1MA, ETA U.S. imports by volume laststopcallingSavannahduetoAlgeciras on October 31st, 2021, monthwere5%higherthanseverecongestioninthisportETACharlestononNovember in2020,andfourthquarter(8-10 days) and in order to pro- 27th, 2021.imports are on pace to beat thetect schedule integrity & weeklyThe terminal called in Charles-record-settinglevelsof2020,sailing frequency. ton will be Wando Welch Termi-Panjiva found. AnewcallatCharles- nal (WWT) on Saturdays, which Easingonepartoftheton will be inserted in the rota- mirrorsthecurrentSavannah system, like port backlogs, willtionandSavannahshipmentsberth window.help move containers, Oak said. But increasing one part of the equationmightnotnecessarily helptheentiretyoftheglobal supply chain, he added.The White House has been tracking kinks in the supply chain since Biden took office, officials say.InFebruary,hesignedan executiveordertoreviewsup-plies of critical goods, including microchips and pharmaceuticals.(L to R) Mayor Robert Garcia, President Joe Biden, Port of Long Beach(CONFRONTScontinued on Executive Director Mario Cordero page 19)'