b'18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(NICHEcontinued fromtransferofcargofromvessel(EIMSKIPcontinued fromtion) were all very eager to haveThe Port of Portland received page 16) tovessel,vesseltobarge,orpage 16) finally a shipping line calling thea$14millionFederalgrant since the beginning as the stag- bargetobarge.Initscapacitythat decision hit us hard. At thePort of Portland. in2023whichwillbeusedto ing area for 800 MW Vineyardasterminalmanager,WTSissametimeoneofourbiggestP orTlAnDsP rojecTs expand the number of available Wind 1. responsibleforvesselschedul- exporter of fish in Iceland, Thereefer plugs at the IMT to 420. Theconstructionworkoning, general management, safetyIcelandic Group was sold to aw illi mProveP erishABle The new plugs will be arranged the Pier 1 and Terminal 5 proj- and capital improvements at theCanadian-basedfishingcom- h AnDling inastate-of-the-artreeferrack ects at the Port of Davisville isdeep-waterportofProvidencepany and instead of routing theThe Port of Portland, nowthat will be capable of mounting on schedule. The port upgradesand is a licensed stevedore in thecargo through Norfolk, Virginia,operating under the Maine Portreefers in a stack of five high. willincreasethenumberofports of Providence, Davisville,they started routing the cargo toAuthority, handles the EimskipTheadditionalreeferslots berths available for cargo shipsRI and New Bedford, MA. the New England area, Sigfus- call at their International MarinewillenableEimskiptohandle and offshore wind service ves- Seattle,Washington-basedson said of the cargo shift. Terminal (IMT). As Matt Burns,evengreatervolumesofper-sels at the Quonset Port SSA Marine is an independent,With loss of the military out- theexecutivedirectoroftheishables at the IMT in the near The port has also been onprivately held marine terminalboundfreightandtheinboundMainePortAuthority(whichfuture. Additionally, a cold stor-theforefrontoftheoffshoreoperators with activities at morefreight now resting in the handsincludestwootherdeepwateragefacilityisbeingbuiltnear wind power push in New Eng- than 250 terminal facilities andof a Canadian company, Eimskipports:SearsportandEastport)the IMT which will also enhance landsincethebeginningforrailoperationsthroughoutthewas at a crossroads for a US portexplained in an interview withthe perishable handling capabili-Block Island Wind (now OrstedU.S., Canada, Mexico, Centralcall.AsSigfussonsaysofthethe AJOT, that the port has, andties of the Port of Portland. USOffshoreWind).OffshoreAmerica,SouthAmericaandtime,Ithadalwaysbeenourinthenearfuture,willbenefitAnd another important piece wind service vessels already callAsia.vision that one day we could asfrom a number of projects.ofportinfrastructureisnowin at the Port of Davisville as theyChrisWaterson,whowasa group introduce to the marketAt the present time, the IMTplace. AsBurnsexplained,the supportconstructionatSouthnamedpresidentandCEOofa weekly service to and from theterminalcoversaround20acresrailsidingiscomplete[Now] Fork Wind. The business park isWTSas part of the transactionUSA and finally, we took the bigand is equipped with two mobilewehavetheabilitytodointer-also the location for Revolutionsaidofthedeal,SSAMarinestep in late November 2018. IfLiebherr cranes, which can handlemodal at the IMT. Weve got the Windsundergroundtransmis- quickly emerged as the ideal can- we were to maintain our call to124 tons. Provided with a channelabilitytoloadsidebysiderail sion cable from the wind farm todidate and we are excited to enterNorfolk,we[Eimskip]wouldwith a 35 foot depth, the facilitycars. And its a very nice asset that the electric grid following a one- into this next chapter as we workhave had to have around 4-5 ves- iscapableofservingvesselsofwe would love to use more of. mile underground route locatedto expand our services regionally,selstomakeaweeklyservicearound1,000TEU(twentyfootweve been working with consul-entirely within the park. with a focus on the emerging off- between Iceland and USA. At theequivalentunits)to2,000TEU.tants in the railroadto try and shore wind industry.same time, we were calling Ever- EimskipsMVBakkafoss,withfind a project to do there, but I P orT ofP roviDence , ri Andofcourse,offshoreett and Penn Terminal in Penn- a 1,025 TEU capacity, deployedthink we would ultimately like to P rov P orT windisthebigquestionmarksylvania. We therefore started toontheTransatlanticGreenLinedo intermodal if we could.In November of 2023 Water- after economic headwinds causedlookatmovingnorthtryingtoweekly service schedule, is at thisUndoubtedly the partnership son Terminal Services, LLC (WTS)aresetonanumberofthelimit it to one port call instead ofwriting the largest cargo vessel toof the port and the ocean carrier and SSA Marine announced thatanticipatedwindpowerproj- three. We looked at Boston MA,call at the terminal. has been successful and is setting they were entering into a jointects in New England. In March,Rhode Island, Portsmouth, NewBecause much of the inboundup for the future, We just cele-venture to invest in WTS. WTSthreeoffshorewinddevelop- Hampshire and Portland, Maine. cargo is perishable, IMT is equippedbrated our 10 years in Portland in istheexclusiveportoperatorers released their plans for newThereasonweintheendwith around 150 reefer plugs toApril last year and we have been and manager of ProvPort, Inc.,projectbidsinNewEngland.did choose Portland, Maine washandle the reefer containers. Butgrowing steadily over the years a non-profit, public-private part- Two of the developers proposedthe interest we saw from them.that number is changing soon asandhavenowreached50,000 nership that operates the formerbasing their projects out of theThey were willing to invest inBurnspointsout.WeappliedTEU in and out of the port, Sig-municipal Port of Providence.portsofSalem(Crowleyhastheinfrastructure;ontheStateforfundingintheFY23PIDPfusson said. And with the proj-WTSspecializesinhan- investedinthePort)orNewlevel, the Portland city and theprogram.one of them was theectsinplace,theportandthe dlingbulk,breakbulkand(NICHEcontinued onMPA/DOT (Maine Port Author- expanded reefer area in Portlandcarrier are positioned for growth projectcargoesincludingthepage 28) ity/DepartmentofTransporta- at the IMT. in the next decade.Boston Freight Terminals is New Englands Premier Customs Bonded Warehouse Service Provider Featuring the Port of Bostons Only Full-Service Container Examination Station (CES) and Container Freight Station (CFS) with a secured drop yard.100,000 square foot warehouse 24 hour digital video surveillanceU.S. Customs Border Patrol on-site office Same day and next day LTL and TL shipping between U.S. Customs Bonded Container Freight Station (CFS)New York/New Jersey and BostonCentralized U.S. Customs Bonded/ Exam Station (CES) LTL and TL truckload regional and national serviceComplete import/export ocean and air cargo handling services Integrated warehousing, consolidation, transloading, One-stop sea-air-rail-trucking and warehousing services and distribution services24/7 web-based cargo trackingSpecialty projects cargo loading/unloading servicesConnect with us at [email protected] to find out more about the various services we have been providing to the trade community of New England since 1980. 139 Shuman Ave. Stoughton, MA 02072 www.bostonfreightterminals.com'