b'JULY 26 -AUGUST 22, 2021MARITIME Section 19ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1OONNEESSHHIIPPC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggoo(CLAMPDOWNcontinueda global levy which will incen-from page 15) tivizerealemissionreductions These measures will defi- rather than red tape.nitely raise the cost on airlinesBoth the FuelEU initiative andeventuallyraiseticketand the carbon market will coverRORO Customer Serviceprices,saidLaurentDonceel,intra-EU traffic, plus half of theA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Mondaya senior policy director at lobbyvoyages for ships sailing into FROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO Export Customer Servicegroup Airlines for Europe. A taxand out ofthe bloc. 800-225-1235TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Timeon kerosene wont directly leadWhilethemeasureswillANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation toareductioninCO2output,makethingsmoreexpensive,DUBLIN 12888-802-0401andmayevenleadtoaircrafttheimpactonthecostofendBELFAST 13Import Customer Service888-802-0403taking longer routes to circum- products is likely to be relativelyGTEBORG 21Logisticsvent the levy, Air France-KLMssmall, said Jan Dieleman, headHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 866-821-7449Dutch arm said. of Cargill Inc.s ocean transpor- LE HAVRE17 Credit & Collectionstation business. LIVERPOOL 9 13 888-225-7747S hipping LONDON GATEWAY20 19Using biofuels purchased byROTTERDAM11 20TheEUsproposednewshippers from outside the EU to rules will slowly push shipping,replaceoil-derivedmarinefuel which emits as much carbon ascouldprovetricky,becausethetransparentandoffercustomersoffice setting. AssociationofAmericanRail-Belgiumintheregion,awaybloccantenforceitssustain- end-to-endvisibilityforship- BasedinPeachtreeCity,roadsshowsthatdeliveringa from oil and toward clean pro- abilitycriteriaoutsideitsbor- ments.HealsourgedstrongerGeorgia, SMC3 provides data andsingle car from the siding of one pellants like biofuels. ders, according to the EuropeanpartnershipsbetweenshipperssolutionstohelpoptimizeLTLrailroad to the siding of another TheregulationcomesinCommunityShipownersAsso- and the carriers they use. freighttransportationacrosstherailroad can take 68 operations threeparts.Thesectorwillbeciations,whichrepresentstheThatsaid,Hawkinspro- supplychain.SMC3leadershipover six days.includedintheblocscarboncontinents shipping industry. jectedtremendousrevenuelooks forward to returning to anTheproblemisthatcom-market for the first time. Sepa- TheEUsproposedrulesgrowthonayear-over-yearin-person format for its next majorpetition among freight railroads rately, the FuelEU Maritime ini- may also force shippings globalbasisforYellowandtheLTLconference, Jump Start 2022, sethasdiminishedsince1980, tiative aims to increase the useregulator, the International Mari- industry in general. for Jan. 24-26 in Atlanta.whenCongresspassedand of alternative fuels, targeting atimeOrganization,tostepupHawkins said the $700 mil- PresidentJimmyCartersigned cut in emissions intensity of 2%efforts on decarbonization, or risklionloanYellowreceivedlasttheStaggersRailActphasing by 2025 and increasing to 75%being sidelined by other authori- year under the Coronavirus Aid,(CRITICISMcontinued fromoutmostrateregulation.The by2050.Thisgoalshouldgetties, like the EU. The UN bodyReliefandEconomicSecuritypage 16) Staggers Rail Act improved the an additional push from plans tohasbeencriticizedformovingAct,orCARES Act,hasbeenbyrailhavesoughttoleveragefinancialhealthofrailroads, start taxing shipping fuel, whiletoo slowly, while industry titansintegral in helping Yellow con- political influence to change thatallowingthemtoinvestmore sustainable and alternative fuelsA.P.Moller-MaerskA/Sandtinue to serve its customer base,framework and force railroads tointheirtrainsandtracks.But will be exempt. Trafigura Group have both calledwhich includes the U.S. Depart- handovertraffictocompetitorssince 1980, the number of Class Itsdifficulttoseewhatfor a global carbon tax. ment of Defense.who might charge less. I freight railroads in the U.S. has extending the EU ETS to ship- Another product of the pan- True,regulatorscanbefallen to seven from 33.ping will achieve towards reduc- demichasbeenthediscoveryclumsy and subject to politicalThe chart on page 16 shows ingCO2,particularlyasthe(MODEcontinued fromthat employees engaged in pric- influence.Thatswhyecono- that rail transportation has risen (proposal only covers about 7.5%page 16) ing and other back office func- mists tend to favor free-marketin price faster than truck trans-of shippings global emissions,And, in this era of escalat- tionscanworkremotelyfromcompetitionoverregulationportation since December 2003 said Guy Platten, secretary gen- ing expectations, it doesnt helptheirhomeswithoutahitch,wheneverpossible.Whats(theearliestdateforwhichI eral of the International Cham- for customers to get mad. according to Hawkins, who saidmore,reciprocalswitching could find comparable data on ber of Shipping that represents Getting angry and threat- heexpectsYellowtocontinueorforcedswitching,astheproducerpricesfromtheU.S. morethan80%oftheworldseningI promise youdoesnttooffermanysuchworkersrailroadscallitisdifficulttoBureau of Labor Statistics).merchant fleet. The industryswork, he said, citing the impor- theflexibilitytoperformtheirimplement in practice. A must- The Freight Customer Coali-overwhelming preference is fortanceofLTLproviderstobeduties away from the traditionalwatchvideocreatedbythetion,whichrepresentsbigship-pers, says that 78% of freight rail stations are captive to a single major railroad and that railroads charge far more to captive cus-tomers than to those that have multiple options.Bidensexecutiveorder landsastheSurface Transpor-tation Board is dealing with the firstproposedmergerbetween Class I railroads in two decades. Canadian National Railway Co. has agreed to purchase Kansas City Southern Railway Co., the smallestoftheClassIs.The SurfaceTransportationBoard is weighing whether to approve the formation of a voting trust, which would allow Kansas City Southernsshareholderstobe paid but would keep the railroad independent, under the supervi-sion of a trustee, until the merger review is complete.CanadianNationalsaysits combination would enhance com-petitionwithotherrailroadsand trucks,whileCanadianPacific customs brokers&freight forwarders Railway Ltd., which had an agree-ment to buy Kansas City Southern beforeitwasoutbidbyCana-www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 dian National, says the Canadian National-KansasCitySouthern combo would reduce competition.'