b'6CLEAN TECH FOR OCEAN SHIPPINGajot.comEnergy Observer at Port of San Francisco Heineken supports Dutch battery-powered Port of San Francisco greetscontainer carrier zero emission Energy ObserverBy Stas Margaronis, AJOTBy Stas Margaronis, AJOT This summer the Netherlands will see theby a Dutch company, Zero Emission Services Katia Nicolet, chief scien- andasyoucansee,theydeployment of a self-propelled container bargeB.V. (ZES) which was founded to make inland tist for theEnergy Observer,coveralmostallofthesur- utilizingbatterypower,anundertakingsup- shipping more sustainable. provided a tour and an over- facesoftheship. Thesolarported by a long-term contract with the DutchThe barge power usage averages 1000 kW. view of the renewable energy(GREETScontinued onbeer maker Heineken.With the help of one 2000 kWh ZES battery poweredcatamaranthatpage 18) The battery-powered system will be provided(SUPPORTScontinued on page 12)arrived at the Port of San Fran-cisco on May 6th and is on its way to Hawaii and Japan.Sincesettingsailfrom Saint Malmo, France in 2017, the100-footcatamaranhas already navigated over 35,000 nauticalmilespoweredby renewable energy. The back-ersoftheEnergyObserver describethevesselasa workinglaboratorydesigned to push the envelope with zero emission technologies.B ACkerSThe main backers of the EnergyObserverproject are:Accorinvest,Thelem, Delanchy, Engie, Toyota, and CGM CMA.TheEnergyObserveris operated by a five-person crew includingVictorienErussard, the founder and captain, plus a chief engineer and a boatswain. In addition, there is a reporter who generates progress reports on the voyages and the Chief Scientist Katia Nicolet.Nicolet explained the EOs mission:Wehaveaproto-type ship so its really a pio-neersisterandweshowcase alldifferenttypesofrenew-able energy that are available todayandthattheycan sustain our ships in the worst type of environment. Katia Nicolet, chief scientist for the Energy Observerr enewABlee nergyp owerSheexplainedthesolar powercomponentsand theimpactontheelectric motors: We have three dif-ferenttypesofsolarpanels'