b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(EXPORTScontinued(MARKETScontinuedgainsaremostlikelytobeLa Nia-related drought hadclose to zero. from page 16) from page 18) seen. Part of this is boostednot lingered in certain areas,To be sure, South Ameri-absolutelyrockingandroll- lastyear,intheNortheastacreage,asfarmershaveaccording to Farmdocdaily. can exporters cant necessar-ing.100percent!ThisisArgentinian province of Cor- convertedsomepasturelandInanothersignofgrainily rely on accelerated trade duetoavarietyofreasons.rientes, bordering the Paran.to soybean planting. Part isexportdisruptioncausedbyflowsthatcontinuelong-ExcellentfruitcomesfromAccordingtooneestimate,increased yields, a recoverythe war, China inked a long- term.SinceJuly,aUNand awonderfulclimate.The12% of all the province wasfromlastyearsdroughtinterm deal with Brazil in MayTurkeybrokeredagreement growersarebigandsophis- burned, including prime agri- some southern Brazil states,toimportcorn,anobvioushas allowed some shipments ticated, and they have desir- cultural land. whensomeyieldswerecutnodtodiversifyingitsreli- of Ukrainian grain safe pas-able varieties. Peru used to bein half. anceonUkraineforsomesage through the Black Sea, known for Red Globe grapesB razill ooking at China is the primary desti- 30%ofimports.Reportsalthough the accord is sched-butinthelastdecadePerur EcorDh arvEst nation for Brazilian soybeans,indicate that Beijing and Sauled to end in November and hasmovedtoseedlessandBrazil,bycontrast,accountingforsome70%ofPaulo are negotiating to easetheresahugebacklogof proprietyseedlessvarieties.could boast of a record grainBraziliansoybeanexports.certain regulations governinggrain waiting to be exported.Thereareidealconditions.harvestnextyear,betteringAccording to the USDA, exportspesticidestoacceleratethisFor South American export-Rarely are there water prob- thisyearscroptotalsbytoChinaslowedduringthetrade, which could happen asers,gainsarewelcome,but lems for irrigation. Peru pro- 14%, according to the coun- firsthalfofthisyearbutareearly as late this year. they may well be temporary. duces a first-rate product.trysfoodsupplyreport- expectedtoaccelerateastheDesperationproducedaWhen you have this demand Greenbergenthusiasti- ing agency, National SupplyChineserebuildtheirswinenumber of surprises. Agricul- for product that was not very cally continued: EverythingCompany, or Conab.population, devastated in 2019turalcommoditiesanalystscompetitive before, its kind growsinPeru.IfyouplantBrazilian soybeans accountby African swine fever. citedhastilyarrangedship- oflikeagoldmine,said anewvineyardinnorth- formorethan50%oftheBraziliancornisshow- ments of corn from the Brazil- Boudet.Butifwecome ernPeru-Piura,Chiclayoworlds soybean trade, accord- inganevenmoredramatician port of Paranagua, south ofback to a normal situation in - youll have production twoing to the USDA, and almostreboundfromdroughtthatSa Paulo, to Northern Africathe Black Sea, they wont be years earlier than you wouldhalfofBrazilstotalgrainravagedproductioninthein April. According to Arguscompetitiveanymoreunless havefromanewvineyardproduction,accordingto2020-2021 season. This pastMedia,upwardsof650,000they really ramp up the pro-in Chile or California. StuffUniversity of Illinois econo- year, corn production rose bytons of corn were contractedductionorreallyreducethe growswellandgrowsfast.mistswritinginFarmdoc- almostone-thirdandwouldto be shipped at a time of yearcosts. Thats not really realis-Product is absolutely great.daily.Thatswhereoverallhave increased even more ifwhen, historically, exports aretic right now.Perus Sweet Globe, which comes from IFG, and Autumn Crisp,fromSunWorld,are so good they have resurrected demandforgreengrapesin the U.S.Peruvian growers extended the length of their production seasons to batter Chiles early andlateproductionmarket-ing weeks. EXPANDING CAP Y TObone-dry, relatively narrow trackO ACIT AandPerus coastline is a level,FL RID Sbetween the calm, blue Pacific, magnificentAndes.The warm,steadyclimateistruly pacific. Melting Andes snow yieldsdependableirrigation water and growers can produce fruitsandvegetablestomeetDISTRIBUTIONanyglobaldemandataboutHUBanytimeoftheyear.Three majorseaports,Paita,Callao, and Matarani, spread north-to-south respectively, on the long coastline,providetheperish-ables industry with good ship-ping options. c hallEngEs inc hilECapespansGreenbergNo congestion Expanded terminal capacity with plenty of expects thiswinter,Chilesroom for growthvolume globally will be down,Tampa/Orlando I-4 Corridor: 400 million SF basedonpreliminaryinfor- of distribution center space Multiple round-trip truck deliveries per day mationfromtheChileanE-commerce, consumer goods, perishablesfrom Port to distribution centersindustry. The Chileans had aand building materials New and expanded container services with difficult 2021-22 last season.Central America, Mexico and AsiaThis will impact the volumeOne of the hottest industrial real estate produced for all markets thismarkets in the U.S.season. I hope the season is better and has fewer logistics tie ups and challenges. More on logistics, below. WWW.PORTTB.COMAmong the reasons Chile hassteadilylostgrapetrade toPeruvianvineyardsisthe USDAphytosanitaryrequire-ments on most of Chiles pro-duction areas.Evidence of a shift occurred onOctober13,2022,when the U.S. Department of Agri-culturesAnimalandPlant HealthInspectionService (APHIS)proposedarules revisionforChileantable grapeimportationintothe UnitedStates.Ifthisrule change survives the comment (EXPORTScontinued on page 22)'