b'OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 20, 2022AUTO LOGISTICS 33ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1(BRAKEScontinued fromdealerships.Andwhendis- ONE SHIPpage 32) athechip(andruptionshappenatmultipleONE SHIPchips to higher end vehicles.tiers, as happened during the Tohandlepandemic,thesupplychain parts)shortage,GMpio- is crippled. And the recov-neeredstrategytaggedery of the auto supply chain build-shyorshybuiltinvolvesmulti-tieredsolu- C ontainers, RORO, RORO, Br, Breakbulk Ceakbulk CarargogoContainerswhichinvolvedassemblingtionsthatrarelyoccurin some of its vehiclesgener- synchrony.Theresultisa ally the lower priced modelspush-pull effecta whiplashjust shy of all its parts. So,of surge and drought cycles. rather than delivering com- As a result of the uneven plete vehicles to the dealer- flow of vehicles, auto logistics ships, the unfinished modelsprovidershavehadtoadjust weresetasideatnearbytheirdeliverystrategies.In lotsawaiting parts. In somethecaseofvehiclescoming cases,thepartsshyvehi- in from Asia, there has been cles were sold to consumersdiversionsbothtotheEast and the missing parts fittedCoastandsurprisinglytoRORO Customer Servicelater at the dealership. theWestCoast.AsBubenA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676However, the chip short- explains, AMPORTS is cur- Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer Serviceage has eased, and the acresrentlyseeingtrafficdivertedFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Timeof vehicles are now movingin both directions due to newANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation 888-802-0401off the storage lots to dealersvesselrouting.SomeAPACDUBLIN 12Import Customer Serviceand customers.(Asia-Pacific)vesselsthatBELFAST 13888-802-0403BenBuben,chiefoper- would typically call ports onGTEBORG 21LogisticsHAMBURG 13 17 15 22atingofficer(COO)at AMP- bothcoastsarenowlookingLE HAVRE17 866-821-7449ORTS, a major vehicle processor,tocalljusttheWestCoast.LIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & Collectionsremarked,Weseemtobe(BRAKEScontinued onLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747seeing the light at the end ofpage 35) ROTTERDAM11 20the tunnel for the chip short-age. The acres of shy-built unitsareeasingaschips becomeavailable,allowing the manufacturers to ship their vehiclestotheirdesignated markets.Thisinfluxoftraf-fic is putting extra pressure on the rail, truck, port, and vessel network to get these units to market quickly.Forthisreason,vehi-cleinventoriesarebuilding butstillbelowpre-COVID levels.InSeptember,Cox reportedintheirUSauto-mobiledealersentimentin Q3 2022 index, While still historicallylow,thenew-vehicle inventory level index improvedfromlastquarter andisupsignificantlyfrom one year ago [2021]. Still, at 31, the new-vehicle inventory levelindexindicatesinven-toryremainsamajorchal-lenge for franchised dealers. For comparison: In Q3 2019, the index was at 61, meaning more dealers felt their inven-tory was growing, not declin-ing. [editors italics].Ofcourse,partofthe problem is this year the U.S. autoinventoryisextremely uneven.Forexample,the Days of Supply for a Full Size Car is over 60 days while at the other end of the spec-trumHybrids,Subcompact VehiclesandHighPerfor-mance Vehicles are just over 20 days. Overall, the Days of Supply is up over 2021, but below the pre-COVID period.i sJit o ut oft iME ?Part of the reason is the whiplashimpacttheauto supplychainishavingon theindustry.Therearefew supplychainsasglobalas thatoftheautoindustry.A disruption at any tier within the supply chain can be ruin-ous:fromtherawmaterials necessary to build the 30,000 odd parts needed to assemble anautotothedeliveryof thefinishedvehiclestothe'