A complete air and sea supply chain solution has been successful in winning the logistics contract for a new $US50 million offshore oil drilling campaign in the Sudanese Red Sea. Darka Shipping Agencies, a member of the Darka for Trading and Services group of companies based in Port Sudan, secured the contract with Red Sea Petroleum Operating Company (RSPOC) who will be working in Block 15 (Tokar delta) section of the Red Sea. This is the first offshore oil drilling campaign in Sudan. Darka Vice Chairman and Business Development Manager, Mohamed A.M. Osman, said contract negotiations were highly competitive. “A detailed and tailored solution was developed that met the very specific and complex needs of the client,” Mr Osman said. He said a helicopter and two new specialist 2538 ton offshore supply vessels would provide around-the-clock logistics support to service a drilling rig located 70 nautical miles from Port Sudan for a period of six months. “A critical part of the work will be liaison between our company and the rig to ensure all air and sea transport movements operate smoothly and effectively in and out of the port area,” Mr Osman said. The drilling assignment includes use of the West Prospero, which is currently operating in Block 15, and was upgraded with high pressure, high temperature (HTHP) capabilities prior to moving to Sudan on a heavy lift vessel from Indonesia to Sudan through the Gulf of Aden. The Darka for Trading and Services group of companies has over 20 years experience in supply chain management. Mr Osman is a vice president of the African Cargo Logistics Alliance.
Red Sea