RollDock comes to Antalya for another record-holding yacht launch

The BATI Group were recently involved in a unique roll-on and float-out yacht launch operation that took place in Antalya, Turkey.

The operation began during a windy week but had to be paused several times due to extreme weather conditions - winds reached up to 150 Km/h during night time.

With the help of 2 combined linear positioned SMPTs, the 63 meter-long yacht weighing 900 tons rolled on into the M/V RollDock Storm.

The launch was postponed for 4 days because of heavy wind in the southern part of Turkey.

After the waiting time, the above photo was taken by Captain Caner Aydın - owner of BATI GROUP and commercial Agent of RollDock in Turkey.

A spokesperson from the BATI Group says "Special thanks to our RollDock operations team for making this happen."