cargo-partner has recently transitioned its entire application landscape to a new and more efficient software orchestration environment. The new system provides maximum stability and near zero downtimes for cargo-partner’s staff and customers.

As an information logistics provider in the digital age, cargo-partner’s daily processes rely on a wide range of programs and applications. The SPOT Visibility & Collaboration Platform, which the company uses to manage all transport and logistics processes and offer full transparency to its clients, is only one piece of the puzzle. From internal documentation and quality management to accounting processes, countless gears and cogs make up the application landscape which cargo-partner uses to run its day-to-day operations.

It is all the more impressive, then, that the info-logistics provider recently moved the entirety of its application landscape to a new orchestration environment without a single service interruption. The new software orchestration platform brings a number of improvements and enables cargo-partner to offer its customers zero-downtime service.

Uninterrupted Service

The prior, more static approach had relied on dedicated servers for dedicated tasks. The new orchestration platform uses disposable virtual servers, which means that each of the approximately 100 servers can handle any task. When one server is down, another one takes over, thus eliminating the possibility of server downtimes and preventing any service interruptions. Since these virtual servers are hosted on cargo-partner’s own private cloud, maximum data security is ensured.

Lag-Free Performance

Computing power limitations can cause lags and instability during peak hours. cargo-partner’s new infrastructure ensures that the system automatically allocates additional resources when there are more users working on the platform. This enhanced scalability helps avoid congestion and ensures that the same levels of speed and performance are maintained, no matter how many users are online.

Seamless Upgrades

Continuous optimizations are an essential aspect of cargo-partner’s IT operations and are necessary in order to remain competitive and provide the best possible service to customers. However, every upgrade bears the risk of unforeseen issues or temporary service unavailability. cargo-partner’s new software environment allows for a rolling deployment of upgrades, which means that the system automatically detects failing services and reacts by loading the previous version of the program. Thus, maintenance tasks and upgrades can be performed without any interruptions for internal and external users.

Stefan Krauter, CEO of cargo-partner, explains the motivation behind this switch to a more dynamic orchestration platform: “Within our very fast-moving and highly competitive business environment we need to digitize, improve and adapt to new technologies quickly and without alternative. Thanks to a well-conceived, agile development process with clear communication lines, proper planning and intensive testing, cargo-partner is now working with a reliable and future-oriented business application infrastructure!”

As a further improvement step, cargo-partner’s IT teams are currently working on implementing a cloud-native storage solution by moving all existing databases to the new orchestration platform. This will provide enhanced resilience against hardware failures and result in further improved reliability and stability for cargo-partner’s staff, customers and partners.