The Ohio municipality is providing a much-needed upgrade to its Sanitary Engineering Department by employing an enterprise-wide Cityworks software system to improve its permitting processes. XENIA, Ohio - The Sanitary Engineering Department of Greene County, Ohio, utilized an Ohio state term contract to engage Woolpert to implement the Cityworks Server Permits, Licensing and Land (PLL) system. Woolpert is replacing and upgrading the current “end-of-life” system, Woolpert Project Manager Jeff Pesler said, which is at risk of failure. “The Cityworks PLL not only avoids the potential work stoppages that come with an older, outdated network, but it creates efficiencies for permitting both internally and externally,” Pesler said. “Cityworks is an enterprise-wide system that allows anyone within the county with access to the system to see the permits in process. This puts that information at the fingertips of anyone needing that information so they can provide assistance when dealing with a constituent. It provides true transparency throughout the organization.” Woolpert—a national architecture, engineering and geospatial firm headquartered in Greene County—previously implemented the Cityworks Asset Management System (AMS) for the municipality, in addition to performing a variety of other projects. “We’ve worked with the county for years, and they are familiar with our work not only in software implementation but also in wastewater utilities,” Pesler said. “Greene County is on the leading edge of providing the needed permitting systems for the Sanitary Engineering Department. We’re just happy to be able to serve our backyard neighbors with the technical support they need.” The implementation is underway and expected to be completed in six months.