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Women In Trucking Association Founder Furthers Deep Understanding of Supply Chain Knowledge with SMC³’s LTL Online Education Program and Certification

Sep 01, 2023

Ellen Voie, founder of the Women In Trucking Association (WIT), recently earned her certification in LTL (CLTL) as part of SMC³’s Online Education program. Ellen Voie is an internationally recognized speaker and authority on gender diversity and inclusion for women working in non-traditional careers in transportation. She currently serves as the nonprofit organization’s President and CEO. Even with such a notable career and years of experience in the transportation industry, Voie found a unique value in the SMC³ Online Education program and the distinction that a CLTL brings to your resume.

“Despite already having a strong background in trucking and logistics, this program provided even greater insight into shipping and packaging best practices for the LTL industry,” said Voie. “I highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to further their industry career.”

According to Voie, anyone working in the supply chain should make every effort to advance their careers by becoming more knowledgeable about the industry they support. “All of us, especially women, need to establish our credibility to be recognized for what we contribute to the company’s success. Obtaining this certification gives us the knowledge and the confirmation that we have this valuable information regarding shipping and packaging LTL freight,” Voie said. “Technology is changing the way we charge for shipping and is giving us more accurate ways to determine freight rates in a competitive environment.”

In addition to the best practices and knowledgeable insight that the courses provide, the program - coupled with earning a CLTL – can propel someone’s career momentum in a positive direction. Voie says, “The program provides us the industry knowledge we need to be a valued member of the shipping team.” “More importantly, the certification demonstrates to the leadership team that we’ve invested in our training by spending the time and energy to become an educated and trained LTL resource.”

As an advocate for female leadership and diversity in the transportation industry, Voie sees SMC³’s Online Education courses and CLTL as a path to greater DEI for companies. “Gender diversity is not only the right thing to do, but there’s also the added benefit of increasing a company’s net profits when diverse views are embraced and appreciated. “Women make decisions differently and are more risk averse, which means we may take longer to come to a conclusion,” Voie explains, “but we generally use a more collaborative and team-oriented approach, which also increases employee engagement.”

“Women comprise half of the population but are still a minority in the supply chain, Voie said. “Although this is changing, we still have a long way to go to find equity.”

As a champion for increased diversity in the supply chain, The Women in Trucking Association’s mission is to encourage the employment of women in trucking, addressing obstacles and celebrating successes. “We represent all women in the industry, from the women who design trucks, build trucks, sell or buy trucks, fix trucks and drive trucks,” said Voie. “Fifteen percent of our members are men who support our mission. We currently have nearly 8,000 members in ten countries. WIT is a resource for the industry, providing white papers, research, surveys and data for its members.”

Recognition programs allow the nonprofit organization to amplify women who have stories to tell about their careers (Driver of the Year, Influential Woman in Trucking, Distinguished Woman in Logistics, and a Technology and Innovation award.) “This year we are giving away a truck to a deserving driver during our annual ‘Salute to Women Behind the Wheel,’ where we honor female professional drivers,” Voie said. “This past year, our Accelerate! Conference and Expo attracted 1,750 registered attendees to gather, learn, network and have fun. In addition, The Women In Trucking Scholarship Foundation provides tuition grants for women seeking training in transportation careers.” (www.womenintruckingfoundation.org)

Supply chain professionals can stay ahead of the curve with courses through SMC³ Online Education. Whether you're looking to earn a certification or simply bolster your knowledge with a course or two, SMC³ has the supply chain education experience you’re looking for. Take courses at your own pace with SMC³’s on-demand program or join a hybrid class with the exclusive opportunity to hear from live industry experts. Whatever your preference, SMC³ Online Education provides unparalleled instruction on LTL industry concepts, trends and best-practices.

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