Damco provides solution together with local barge operator utilizing the River Madeira that connects with the port of Manaus on the Amazonia River and from there connecting with other main ports such as Panama. The service has made Porto Velho an internationally connected port via Manaus.

For over 15 years, the local business community in the states of Rondonia, Acre and Mato Groso states (the three most remote states in the interior of Brazil) have struggled to access sea ports and find an economical way to export their products.

"Damco customers exporting commodities have since early 2009 been able to take advantage of using Porto Velho Port (Rondonia) which will save them money, transit time and enable them to get a faster payment from their consignees by issuing the bill of ladings in Porto Velho." says head of Damco in Brazil, Ulrich Nissen.

Local politicians have demonstrated their commitment to the import and export projects in the region and their appreciation of Damco's initiative to facilitate the trade and ease the lives of importers and exporters in the area.

Mr. Nissen elaborates. "This is a major advantage for Damco customers exporting cotton, leather, minerals, lumber and beef from the region going to Europe, Russia and Asia. The approximate cost savings for the exporters are around 10% of the total logistics costs and it further more cut 3-5 days of the total transportation time."

This new service that is effectively making Porto Velho an internationally connected River Port is competing with trucking to ports in the coastal region of Brazil and is as such a much more eco friendly way of transportation and logistics.

It is the intention of Damco together with partners in general to continue to invest in the infrastructure development of this remote and fast growing region of Brazil.