Hamburg S'd/Alian'a and CSAV/Libra-Montemar file slot swap agreement with FMC

Hamburg S'd/Alian'a and CSAV/Libra-Montemar have filed a slot-swap agreement with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) designed to enhance service to an expanded range of East Coast Inter-American ports, providing direct access to a wider range of ports for the customers. Under the terms of the proposed plan, Hamburg S'd/Alian'a and CSAV/Libra-Montemar will each operate a sling of vessels.

The new agreement, which is expected to go into effect within 45 days after the FMC filing, offers the following port rotations:

Hamburg S'd/Alian'a: New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Charleston, Jacksonville, Port Everglade, Puerto Cabello, Suape, Santos, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio Grande, Santos, Sepetiba, Suape, Pecem, New York.

CSAV/Libra-Montemar: Newark, Norfolk, Baltimore, Puerto Cabello, Sao Francisco, Paranagua, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Puerto Cabello, Newark.