Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi-Aventis Group, recently presented a special award to Envirotainer for achieving 48 consecutive months without a product loss.

Envirotainer, pioneer of 'active' temperature-controlled air cargo containers, was formally recognized along with other Sanofi Pasteur partners, including Air France and Atlas/Logfret for 'outstanding contributions and dedication towards our cold chain management'.

On a worldwide basis, Sanofi Pasteur provided more than 1.6 billion doses of vaccine in 2008, making it possible to vaccinate more than 500 million people across the globe.

The presentation ceremony in Toronto, Canada, was organized and hosted by Sherman Cheung, Supply Chain Director, and Franck Leroux, Vice President Industrial Operations at Sanofi Pasteur.

Sanofi Pasteur Award

'It is a very proud day when one of your largest strategic customers wishes to recognize you for the quality and integrity of your product and service. Envirotainer is honored to be a partner of Sanofi Pasteur and proud to have contributed to successfully completing nearly 1,200 container trips in 48 consecutive months without a single product loss,' said Stephen Maietta, Envirotainer's Director of Sales ' The Americas.

'We shipped millions of vaccines around the world through this partnership and while we encountered various issues along the way, we did not lose a single dose during the past 48 consecutive months. This accomplishment can only be achieved through an effective partnership and through the dedicated efforts from everyone on both sides. Innovation, communication and continuous improvement efforts make this unique partnership work,' said Sherman Cheung, Supply Chain Director, Sanofi Pasteur Limited.

The award is for the Toronto based trade lanes to various cities where all three partners have been working together.