Starting in August, MOL will begin a second weekly link between Brazil and the US East Coast. The new service, called the Americas Link Express (ALE), will augment MOL's extensive Latin American network.

In combination with MOL's existing Americas Coast East (ACE) service, the ALE will offer customers several important features including:

Expanded Port Coverage:

  • US Ports ' Charleston
  • Brazilian Ports ' Suape, Sao Francisco do Sul, Sepetiba and Paranagua
  • Faster transit time:

  • Brazil to Charleston ' One week faster than competing services
  • New York to Brazil ' 3 to 4 days faster than the competition
  • Increased reliability:

  • MOL now offers two calls at Santos, Norfolk and New Jersey every week
  • "The ALE is our eleventh Latin service string, and builds on our commitment of over 80 years in this rapidly growing market. Not only will the ALE expand our port coverage and offer faster transits, but more importantly, this new service will improve schedule reliability between the east coasts of the US and South America," said Ray Keene, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of MOL (America) Inc.

    The ALE port rotation is:

    Charleston - Norfolk - New York - Paranagua - San Francisco do Sul - Santos - Sepetiba - Suape - Charleston

    The ACE port rotation is:

    New York - Norfolk - Savannah - Port Everglades - Kingston - Puerto Cabello - Santos - Rio Grande - Itajai - Santos - Rio de Janiero (biweekly) - Kingston - New York

    The ALE service will operate five vessels on a fixed-day weekly schedule, and join MOL's ten existing Latin services. The first northbound sailing of the ALE will leave Paranagua, Brazil on August 6. Southbound service will begin on August 23, departing from Charleston, South Carolina.