Exports of steel declined in June from May be 4.2% according to government data. 'Declines in exports to NAFTA and Asia reflect more than the total decline. Softening market conditions in NAFTA in June, along with lower exports to the smaller export market in Asia some months prior to June lowered the total for the month. Whether this result is a portend of a weakening trend given all the economic turmoil in the US/NAFTA market and other developed countries is concerning and warrants watching for trends,' said David Phelps, president, AIIS.

For the first half of 2011 compared to 2010, exports increased by 3 percent. 'While there are concerns about a double dip recession in the US/NAFTA and also concerns about economic weakness in the Eurozone going forward, on balance so far, the stronger markets internationally in 2011 have kept exports above the weaker conditions experienced in 2010,' concluded Phelps.

Total Steel exports in June 2011 were 1.095 million tons compared to 1.144 million tons in May 2011, a 4.2% decrease, and a 4.5% increase compared to June 2010. According to year-to-date figures, exports increased 3% compared to 2010 or from 6.408'million tons in 2010 to 6.222 million tons in 2011.