Customers can now earn money with each shipment through Apple Express rewards CHICAGO - Apple Express, an innovative 3PL company, introduces the logistics industry's first rewards program. Keeping with their tradition of modernization and enhancing customer experience, Apple Express is making life even easier for its customers by rewarding them just for doing their job.
Apple Express has already transformed the experience of transferring goods. Now, customers have the added motivation of earning exciting rewards with each shipment made with the Apple Express. That means they can leave their shipment worries behind, go home and spend their rewards on the things that matter to them the most: from high tech toys to essentials like gas or groceries. "With Apple Rewards you can afford the latest gadgets, top up on gas, grab a meal, or even go grocery shopping, just by making shipments," says Matt Leszczak, President of Apple Express. "Had a tough day and need to rewind with a cup of joe at your local coffee shop? No need to look for spare change – Apple Rewards has you covered!" Apple Express stands out from other companies with its innovative, technology based approach, coupled with a skilled staff and focus on customer service. The company constantly seeks to exceed customer expectations by delivering on its promises, handling complex requirements with customizable solutions. The new rewards program is just one more way Apple Express delivers. "Many 3PL companies and carriers will call wanting to haul your freight, promising the world - but do they deliver?" asks Leszczak. "Apple Express is here to come to your rescue - no more waiting or making endless phone calls because something needs to reach someplace at a fixed time. And now, we will not only provide excellent service, but also reward you for every load you supply us with, because we appreciate your business." Apple Express lives up to the task of making the shipments that just can't wait, with great service to back it up. They understand the struggle that customers sometimes go through to make sure everything gets there on time, and that is the underlying idea behind rewards – making a customer's day that much brighter. "Many people have been to that point at which they are just going through the many motions of making sure their load arrives on schedule. This becomes rather dreary," says Leszczak. "With our new rewards program, Apple Express hopes to liven things up a bit and give back to our customers."