International Trade

Canada Wants Electric, Driverless Cars to Factor in Nafta Rules

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Japan, Europe Losing `Cold Currency War’ to the U.S., Pimco Says

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Nafta Talks Can Generate Triple Win, Canada’s Freeland Says

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade
ARTBA statement relating to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

AJOT | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) President & CEO Pete Ruane issued the following statement relating to President Trump's State of the Union Address
IBTTA commends President’s focus on transportation infrastructure

AJOT | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Urges President and Congress to give states “maximum flexibility” to solve highway funding crisis and unleash America’s innovative spirit
South Africa plans to add more natural gas, renewables to its energy supply mix

AJOT | January 31, 2018 | Energy | International Trade

The country’s Intended National Determined Contribution, submitted as part of the Paris Agreement, plans for CO2 emissions to peak by 2025, remain flat for a decade, and begin to decline around 2035.

Mexico’s Voters Have Bigger Problems Than Trump
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | January 31, 2018

Mexico’s Voters Have Bigger Problems Than Trump

To hear some U.S. politicians tell it, President Donald Trump's threats to withdraw from Nafta, build a wall, and kick out the Dreamers may cast a decisive shadow over Mexico's upcoming presidential election. Yet if Mexicans do vote for change, it will more likely be because they are fed up by homegrown woes, beginning with the blatant impunity that has fueled criminal violence and rampant corruption.
South Africa December Trade Surplus at Record as Imports Drop

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Brexit No Problem for Leaders’ Rosy Vision of U.K.-China Ties

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

China’s Belt and Road Lending Set to Rise, Morgan Stanley Says

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Brexit Bulletin: Not Quitting

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Britain Has Lost Its Bearings on Brexit: Leonid Bershidsky

Bloomberg | January 31, 2018 | International Trade

Indonesia Needs $157 Billion for Infrastructure Plan

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

U.K.‘s May Walks Tightrope Between Trade, Politics in China

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

Trump Says No More `Surrender’ But Offers Few Specifics on Trade

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

Japan Factory Output Surges in December on Strong Exports

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

Corker Sees Trump Modernizing Nafta Pact Rather Than Killing It

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

Korus Trade Talks Resume in Seoul in Wake of U.S. Tariffs

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

Trump Washing-Machine Tariff Bites as Buying Expectations Plunge

Bloomberg | January 30, 2018 | International Trade

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