China said it will further cut import taxes for a wide range of consumer goods in a bid to boost consumption. The average tariffs for 187 products ranging from baby diapers to blue cheese, coffee machines and ski equipment will drop from 17.3 percent to 7.7 percent after the cut, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement on its website on Friday. The change will be effective from Dec. 1. China has faced criticism from other nations including the U.S. for not doing enough to encourage a flow of imports that would help balance the trade surpluses that it runs. “People’s consumption demand is on the rise. And this round of tariff cuts focused on quality and specialty products that are in high demand and connected closely with people’s daily life while they often can’t be supplied domestically. It’ll enrich options for consumers and boost an upgrade of supply,” the ministry said. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Miao Han in Beijing at [email protected], Yinan Zhao in Beijing at [email protected]. To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jeffrey Black at [email protected], Ken Wills ©2017 Bloomberg L.P.