Plan will guide Port development, enhance competitiveness

The Port of Long Beach has released a study examining the environmental impacts associated with a draft update to the Port Master Plan.

The draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Port Master Plan Update is available. A public hearing on the draft PEIR will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at the Cesar Chavez Park Community Center, 401 Golden Ave., Long Beach 90802.

The draft PEIR is being prepared concurrently with the Port’s Master Plan Update, which was released last month and is also under review. The PEIR focuses specifically on the environmental impacts of the update.

The Port’s Master Plan was last comprehensively updated in 1990. The update is needed to incorporate previous amendments to the document and to reflect changes in the shipping industry, strategically manage resources and proactively prepare for future challenges to remain competitive in the rapidly changing global economy. As part of the process, the Port is legally required to study the potential environmental impacts of the update.

Comments on the PEIR may be made at the public hearing or in writing through Thursday, Oct. 3. Submit them to Matthew Arms, Acting Director of Environmental Planning, Port of Long Beach, 415 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802, or to [email protected].