Rapid technological advances are changing the way maritime forces utilise and manage information. Achieving operational effectiveness and “Information Advantage” is now more vital than ever to the success of any navy. For this reason, major nations, such as the UK and US, have already established potent cyber formations, such as the US Navy’s dedicated 10th fleet.

With this in mind, SMi Group are pleased to host the 3rd annual Maritime Information Warfare conference, taking place on the 18th and 19th November 2019 in London, UK. The two-day event will focus on the strategies, systems and new technologies set to increase information warfare capabilities, as well as the challenges associated with engaging in information warfare.

Key topics to be discussed include: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Exploitation and Big Data, Cyber Security and Defence, Command Control Communication and Computers (C4), Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), and more.

The focus for the conference will encompass these key themes, as well as building on the Royal Navy’s Information Warrior exercises in order to analyse how both military and industry can utilise these capabilities to improve operations.

The newly released brochure with the full agenda and speaker line-up is available to download on the event website at http://maritimeinfowarfare.com/vuelio

The agenda features over 16 expert presentations with international representation from the UK, US, Canada, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and more.

Featured expert speakers for 2019 include:
• Vice Admiral (Ret’d) Duncan Potts CB, Former Director General Joint Force Development, Joint Forces Command

• Commodore Ian Annett, Assistant Chief of Staff Information Warfare and Chief Information Officer, Royal Navy
• Captain Matthew McGonigle, Commodore, Littoral Combat Ship Squadron One, US Navy
• Captain Timothy Unrein, Operations Intelligence, NATO MARCOM
• Captain Alfred Turner, Joint Military Operations Specialist, Naval War College, US Navy
• Commander Lee Atkinson, Directorate of Naval Requirements 6, Communications, Information Systems and Cyber, Royal Canadian Navy
• Commander Juan José Nieto Conde, SCOMBA Technical Director, Spanish Ministry of Defence
• Commander Miguel Bessa Pacheco, Head of Intelligence Division, Portuguese Navy
• Commander Amleto Gabellone, Program Manager - Research Development, NATO STO-CMRE - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation
• Mr Bruno Bender, Information and technology Consultant on the RIFAN system, Former French Ministry of Defence, GICAN
• Professor Richard Crowell, Joint Military Operations Specialist, Naval War College, US Navy
• Colonel (Ret’d) Ralph Thiele, Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting

Maritime Information Warfare 2019 will gather senior military officials and leading industry experts to discuss how information warfare can be maximised and managed for the modern navy.

For those interested in attending, there is a £300 early bird discount expiring on 28th June 2019. Places can be reserved at http://maritimeinfowarfare.com/vuelio

Maritime Information Warfare
18th-19th November 2019
Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK

Acting military and government personnel rates are available.