With the start of the cashew export season out of West Africa, we are proud to put at your disposal our expertise all along your cargo's journey, with our wide range of logistics and shipping solutions.

For global coverage of your needs whatever the country of origin, CMA CGM Lines will always provide the most adapted solutions:

West Africa - Asia direct services

WAX (ex Côte d'Ivoire, Togo & Nigeria)

WAX3 (ex Ghana & Nigeria)

AFEX (ex Ghana, Nigeria & Benin)

MIDAS1 (ex Ghana & Benin)

West Africa services connecting in Algeciras

EURAF1 (ex Senegal)

EURAF3 (ex Gambia & Côte d'Ivoire)

MEDWAX (ex-Republic of Guinea)

BIJAGOS (ex Guinea Bissau, cashew exports dedicated service resuming its rotations in May 2023)

Complementary to this comprehensive offer, our experts have developed additional services to guarantee the best protection for your cargo.