International Trade

Wind Turbine Manufacturers Hit Turbulence as Machine Prices Fall

Bloomberg | November 12, 2018 | Energy | Alternative | International Trade

Trump’s Absence at Asia Summits Is Not a Snub, Pence Says

Bloomberg | November 11, 2018 | International Trade

Saudi Arabia to Cut Oil Exports Amid Signs of New Surplus

Bloomberg | November 11, 2018 | Energy | International Trade

May Fighting to Keep Brexit Proposal Alive as Opposition Mounts

Bloomberg | November 11, 2018 | International Trade

Germany’s Auto Rebound May Be Stung by Trade Tensions, China’s Slowdown

Bloomberg | November 11, 2018 | International Trade

Germany Inc.‘s Bid to Be World Champion Hits EU Antitrust Snags

Bloomberg | November 11, 2018 | International Trade

China Touts Success of Import Fair With $58 Billion in Deals

Bloomberg | November 10, 2018 | International Trade
French Fries May Prompt Row at WTO Saddled With Bigger Problems

Bloomberg | November 09, 2018 | International Trade

The European Union vowed to take Colombia to the World Trade Organization should the country impose tariffs on frozen French fries from the bloc.
Will Trump back down on trade war?

AJOT | November 09, 2018 | International Trade

With the mid-term elections last Tuesday seeing the Democrats take back the House of Representatives, many are questioning what this means in terms of Trump’s tough policies on trade with China - will he be forced to back down?

China signs agreements opening access to Kenyan farm exports

Bloomberg | November 09, 2018 | International Trade
Asian grocers in US are bearing the brunt of China trade war

Bloomberg | November 09, 2018 | International Trade

Assistant Manager Dong Zheng paced the aisles of his Asian grocery store in Maryland with an urgent task: Slap higher prices on about 50 different items to reflect the latest tariffs in the U.S.-China trade war.

The internet is splitting in two amid US dispute with China

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

El Nino offers New Year’s gift for China in trade war with US

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

Price dispute halts shipments of coveted Mexican avocados

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

Xi’s import fair offers deals but leaves many barriers intact

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

Volvo rips up production plans in effort to dodge trade war tariffs

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

US crop giants are doing more Brazil deals thanks to trade war

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

Bolsonaro’s Jerusalem move has Brazil’s meat exporters concerned

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

French fries enter trade fray in Belgian bid to defend potatoes

Bloomberg | November 08, 2018 | International Trade

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