ANN ARBOR, Mich.- Con-way Inc. (NYSE: CNW) today announced that 60 professional drivers will represent the company at the National Truck Driving Championships (NTDC) later this month in St. Louis. The five dozen drivers, who hail from 30 states across the U.S., each placed first in one of eight respective equipment classes at their state competitions, qualifying them for Nationals.
The NTDC, also known as the "Super Bowl of Safety," began in 1937 and is conducted annually by the American Trucking Associations. The skills competition serves as one of the trucking industry's most effective safety programs. It brings together some 400 of the nation's most accomplished professionals, all who have been accident-free for at least one year. They compete for top honors in one of eight equipment classes, with a final driving competition to determine who goes home with the Grand Champion trophy. This year, 58 professionals from Con-way Freight, the company's LTL division, and two from Con-way Truckload, the company's long-haul division, qualified for Nationals. Con-way Freight drivers have captured four of the past six NTDC Grand Champion titles. Returning this year to defend his 2014 title is Jeff Langenhahn, a Con-way Freight driver sales representative out of Plover, Wisconsin. Langenhahn took first place in the state's twin-trailer category this year to earn a return trip to the National Championship. "Driving trucks is something I love to do, but it's not easy," said Langenhahn. "To perform at a high level and maintain constant focus on safety requires patience, attention to the smallest of details and a genuine pride in what you do. Having 59 of my fellow Con-way state champions competing at Nationals shows how these ideals are rooted in the attitude and safety performance of our company nationwide." "Con-way has a rich history of success at the National Truck Driving Championships," said Douglas W. Stotlar, Con-way's president and chief executive officer. "Our drivers are among the most talented and safest professionals in the industry. This competition is the perfect venue for them to showcase their skills and expertise. We wish them all the best at Nationals and thank them for representing our company with pride, integrity and excellence." Several Con-way Freight drivers also earned special recognition at the state level, including 11 Grand Champions, three driving skills award winners, two best pre-trip inspection award winners, an award for the best written test and one rookie of the year.