PMSA says New York/New Jersey is now nation’s second busiest port

For the first time since 1992, the Port of New York and New Jersey has overtaken the Port of Long Beach to become the second busiest port in the United States, according to the July Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) West Coast Trade Report.
Dutch storm surge expertise helps Louisiana, Texas, New York and New Jersey

The $165 million Seabrook Floodgate Complex, completed in 2012, protects New Orleans by reducing storm surge entering from Lake Pontchartrain. (Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Dutch storm surge expertise helps Louisiana, Texas, New York and New Jersey

The $165 million Seabrook Floodgate Complex, completed in 2012, protects New Orleans by reducing storm surge entering from Lake Pontchartrain.
Autonomous and Electric Powered Yara Birkleland Will Be Delivered in 2020

The Yara Birkleland, expected to be delivered in 2020, will be the first autonomous and all electric powered container ship in the world, according to Morten Stanger, vice president of marketing for Norway-based Kongsberg.
Port of Redwood City’s Zortman plans for new business & more dredging

Kristine Zortman, executive director, Port of Redwood City says that the Port needs to increase dredging and develop new markets to expand on its construction materials and scrap metals business.
US Ag exports undermined by 2019 flooding and inland waterway closures

Catastrophic flooding in 2019 is slowing or stopping barge traffic along the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas rivers and adversely impacting farmers and exports.
Sea level rise could cost U.S. ports between $57 billion To $78 billion In upgrades

A University of Rhode Island team has concluded that the top 100 US ports may need to invest between $57 billion to $78 billion to accommodate a two-meter increase in sea level rise and recent surveys indicate that some U.S. port designers are beginning to incorporate sea level rise into their planning process.
Port of Oakland National Maritime Day celebrates “seafarers & empowering women”

The theme of the 2019 National Maritime Day Celebration at the Port of Oakland was “Celebrating Seafarers & Empowering Women.”
HTA’S Jerry Moro – “Proposed A’s Ballpark Threatens Harbor Trucking & Port of Oakland Operations”

Jerry Moro, director of Northern California Operations for the Harbor Trucking Association, says plans for the Oakland Athletics’ baseball park to be constructed at the current site of the Port of Oakland’s Howard Terminal will generate so much car traffic that harbor trucking will be brought to a near standstill during baseball games and other events.

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